Leech Treatment Newsletter – Asklepion 1-4 2014

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Newsletter Asklepion (Quarterly scientific and practical journal for medicine) 2014 1-4, mainly devoted to the leeches and hirudotherapy. Developed by the Moscow Hirudotherapy Society. Published thanks to the Foundation for the Development of Hirudotherapy in cooperation with ABROS  company. Bulletin in the original – Russian. Bulletin edited by Savinov Vladimir Alekseevich, the author of several dozen books on leeches.

Table of Contents:

  • Krashenyuk A.I., Danilov A.D., Korotkov K.G. Optimization of the autonomic nervous system under the influence of hirudotherapy. Comparative analysis of GDV methods and nonlinear heart rate analysis
  • Nikonov G.I., Lebedeva A.O., Titova E.A., Romanenko E.B., Klochkov O.I., Sedykh Yu.P. Bioactive substances produced by medicinal leeches in the complex therapy of patients with inflammatory skin pathology
  • Danilchenko G.G., Danilchenko N.D. Manual psychomotor correction (BMC) in the treatment of birth injuries and their consequences in newborns and young children
  • Nikonov G.I., Lebedeva A.O., Titova E.A., Romanenko E.B., Klochkov O.I., Sedykh Yu.P., Betin E.M., Artamonova A.A., Betina N .IN. Gel Girudo in the complex treatment of vascular diseases
  • Krashenyuk A.I., Krashenyuk S.V., Hirudotherapy and the aquasystem of the body: a new understanding of Ayurvedic technology
  • Krashenyuk A.I., Kuryleva N.A. Influence of diagnostic ultrasound on the human body and correction of this influence using hirudotherapy
  • Slesarev V.I., Krashenyuk A.I. Medicinal leech – natural universal aqua radio system
  • Lapotnikov A.V. 18 years in the service of preserving the health of the people. About the first department of hirudotherapy in Russia
  • Utenkov D.A., Krashenyuk A.I. Systemic method of hirudotherapy as a necessary component of complex neurorehabilitation of children with injuries of the nervous system
  • Krashenyuk A.I., Markova E.P. The use of the cytological method in the analysis of vaginal discharge during intravaginal setting of medicinal leeches
  • Krashenyuk A.I., Krashenyuk S.V., Kuryleva N.A. Hirudotherapy as a method of Ayurveda, in solving the problem of depopulation in Russia


  • Savinov V.A. Why humans are mortal gods
  • Savinov V.A. Where AIDS “sleeps”
  • Savinov V.A. “Indigo” are waiting for hirudotherapists


  • Ogulov A.T. Hirudotherapy in visceral practice
  • Russkova N.P. Complex hirudotherapy in cosmetology
  • Savinov V.A., Alemaskina M.L. Hirudocosmetology
  • Savinov V.A. Demographic essay
  • Savinov V.A. De Javu effect
  • Savinov V.A. Antianemic hirudotherapy
  • Alemaskina M.L. Comprehensive hirudotherapy for pets


  • Fatal case 2 days after setting leeches
  • Regulations for the provision of medical care in LLC “Homeopathic medicine ”by doctors who know the methods of hirudotherapy
  •  Akhverdyan Yu.R. Hirudotherapy. Patient memo
  •  Baitulin V.A. “There is a magazine” Asklepeion”

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