“Научные основы гирудотерапии. Гуморальное звено” I.P. Baskova

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Научные основы гирудотерапии. Гуморальное звено
The scientific basis of hirudotherapy. Humoral link
Author: I.P. Baskova
Release year: 2015
Pages: 228
ISBN: 978-5-8125-2081-6
Book language: Russian

Here is a brief summary for the publication of the author of the book, a recognized authority in the field of hirudology:

“For many centuries, hirudotherapy has been asserting its right to serve as a legitimate source of drugs that are produced by the salivary cells of a medical leech and, being a humoral agent of a unique method, have a positive effect in the treatment of many diseases without causing negative side effects. Hirudotherapy is an example of the pronounced positive impact of a natural living organism on a person suffering from pathologies of various systems. ”

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